April 28, 2010

Dear Ed,

Okay, so is it weird that I will forever have a thing for Ed Harris? He's such a consistently amazing actor, always playing the role of the super logical and serious man with remarkable morality and principle....and often wearing a headset of some sort. Let's take a look back...

One of his many famous lines from Apollo 13, YOU TELL THEM ED:

Or the Truman Show, I'de say those eyes at 1:29 definitely give that epic Philip Glass song a run for its money as far as intensity is concerned:

And WHO could forget his role in the movie "milk money" as a an avid environmentalist and widower who falls in love with a prostitute? Not me Ed Harris, I'll never forget. I have yet to see "Pollock" but I have the studied the artist throughout the last few years in school and can't imagine anyone more perfect for the role of that ridiculously talented wino.

On a more serious note, check out this amaaaazing Truman Show/Cable Guy mash-up I am somewhat shamefully sharing from one of my late night YouTube search binges, the genius behind the creation of this is no doubt my future ex-husband.

And I guess while we're on the subject of intellectual white bald men, I should say that I have rediscovered recently how talented Moby is and have been listening to a lot of his music lately. I remember when MTV featured him on "Cribs", the crib before him was NFL player Clinton Portis who had a "fun" room with "glowing beds, mirrors on the ceiling, and a red hot tub and a fireman's pole". Moby's crib consisted of him telling MTV that he didn't own a television and then spending 10 minutes sitting on his bed giving them an extensive tour of his vintage chess set, I believe somewhere between the knight and the rook is where "the magic happens".

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