May 30, 2010

The Sartorialist

I think The Sartorialist is popular not because of the style he photographs necessarily, but because of his photography. He really has a knack for catching people in the natural air they possess. The kind of air that cannot be forced. I really appreciate that, because fashion is so more than just clothes, it’s a personality, and somehow he captures both. His ability to indirectly or directly succeed in getting these people to evoke such an honest presence and engage like that with a camera present AND after meeting them for 5 seconds is unbelievable to me.

Ya, so I'm pretty sure emotional engagement can't be photoshopped. All pictures via The Sartorialist

1 comment:

  1. I was able to meet him this year in Florence at his book signing -- it was great to meet the mind behind the blog. Check it out:
