Ahhh I LOVE this new Etsy vendor I stumbled upon! Handmade vintage illustration jewelry by "Mamaslittlebabies". Her work includes necklaces, broachs, cufflinks, and more! My favorites...
Okay, so is it weird that I will forever have a thing for Ed Harris? He's such a consistently amazing actor, always playing the role of the super logical and serious man with remarkable morality and principle....and often wearing a headset of some sort. Let's take a look back...
One of his many famous lines from Apollo 13, YOU TELL THEM ED:
Or the Truman Show, I'de say those eyes at 1:29 definitely give that epic Philip Glass song a run for its money as far as intensity is concerned:
And WHO could forget his role in the movie "milk money" as a an avid environmentalist and widower who falls in love with a prostitute? Not me Ed Harris, I'll never forget. I have yet to see "Pollock" but I have the studied the artist throughout the last few years in school and can't imagine anyone more perfect for the role of that ridiculously talented wino.
On a more serious note, check out this amaaaazing Truman Show/Cable Guy mash-up I am somewhat shamefully sharing from one of my late night YouTube search binges, the genius behind the creation of this is no doubt my future ex-husband.
And I guess while we're on the subject of intellectual white bald men, I should say that I have rediscovered recently how talented Moby is and have been listening to a lot of his music lately. I remember when MTV featured him on "Cribs", the crib before him was NFL player Clinton Portis who had a "fun" room with "glowing beds, mirrors on the ceiling, and a red hot tub and a fireman's pole". Moby's crib consisted of him telling MTV that he didn't own a television and then spending 10 minutes sitting on his bed giving them an extensive tour of his vintage chess set, I believe somewhere between the knight and the rook is where "the magic happens".
If you read my previous post about the series of art documentaries hosted by British art historian Simon Schama, then you know I'm a huge fan of him and all his uber-dramatic portrayal of classic and modern art. This particular section he does on Rothko takes the cake... Forward to 4:30
Heard so much about the SF vintage expo, and now I must must go when they're back in September, mostly because of the amazing collection of bakelite jewelry that will most likely be there! Bakelite bangles(my favoritefavoritefavorite) range from about $30-$200 depending, I'll probably pick some up this weekend when I go to the Petaluma antique fair as well...
Saw this woman's jewelry in Nylon. Loved the food series, ESPECIALLY the cereal bowl ring. There is a secret community of people out there obsessed with mini-food paraphernalia, I happen to be one of them along with my friend Sophia...
China plates:
Also, Just finished taking an art history midterm that I studied a whole 24 hours straight for...I am an art zombie...
"Perhaps death is not the hardest thing in a painter's life. . . Looking at the stars always makes me dream, as simply as I dream over the black dots representing towns and villages on a map. Why, I ask myself, shouldn't the shining dots of the sky be as accessible as the black dots on the map of France? Just as we take the train to get to Tarascon or Rouen, we take death to reach a star"
Going back to my hometown of Petaluma next weekend for the big antique fair they have every spring! Hope to pick up some goodies, including some wall letters for my room. I want to spell something out above my couch. Right now the only word I'm happy with is "honey" so I might just go ahead and do that...
Today marks two years since one of my biggest artistic inspirations passed away, Phoebe Washer. I grew up around Phoebe in Petaluma, and spent some more time around her in high school when I was dating one of her best friends. I was always drawing as a child and at one point told my Mom “I am going to be an artist when I grow up”, but that motivation curved over the years. It wasn’t until high school when I was inspired by Phoebe’s unbelievably amazing artwork that I was driven to pursue art again. Her talent amazed everyone around her, whether they knew her or not, and my admiration for her is very evident in my work. Please check out her website and see all that is Phoebe, she was a true innovator with a style all her own. She still lives on for me through how much her art inspires me, to this day more than any other artist, and I will forever pay homage to her for that. I hope someday I can be half the artist she was.
My next project is going to be helping draw/design a little band merchandise for my two friends Kristen and Andrew. They have named their duo "Lawrence and Leigh" after their middle names. They are both immensely talented musicians and Bay Area natives currently living in Brooklyn, and their music is definitely worth a listen. Right now they are finished a series of EP's and pretty soon they will be hittin' the road for a tour of the coasts! Listen to "Breach", Kristen's voice is very Joanna Newsom-like. Also, they have a totally awesome folky sound goin' on too, listen to "Meet Me on the Roof". Enjoy!
I'm at a pivotal point right now with my shoes. I have several pairs that I wear in frequent circulation (mostly flats, some vintage, some not), all of which I bought about a year ago during a trip to NYC. Thus, the timing is right, and they're all starting to fall apart right abouuut.....NOW. So after much deliberation on Etsy, I bought these two guys! Very excited for their arrival...
Hopefully they will help mourn the loss of the boots I failed to buy a few weeks ago, perfect in every way, and for some reason I thought I could wait 24 hrs to think on them. I've looked all over Etsy for something similar but each pair of booties I find seem to be lacking in some way. Oh, and did I mention they were only $28? Still hurts a little...